Console Switch 4:1
User Manual
LINDY No. 39123
For Commercial Use
Tested to Comply with
FCC Standards
English Manual
Installation and Operation
The LINDY Console Switch offers two main mounting methods:
• By using the supplied four self-adhesive rubber feet
• By optional rack mount assembly to hold up to eight 4-port LINDY Console Switch units
(available upon request)
The Console Switch is directly attached to a computer or KVM switch using standard 3-in-1
KVM cable, i.e. LINDY No’s 33711 (1m) up to 33718 (20m).
The consoles are attached to the 4 console ports either directly or using standard 3-in-1 KVM
extension cables, i.e. LINDY No’s 33721 (1m) up to 33736 (10m). If larger lengths are required
several LINDY KVM Extenders are available for different distances.
Cable lengths
The LINDY Console Switch uses high quality powered circuitry to prevent signal degradation.
This means that when used in conjunction with the accompanying power supply you can use
relatively long cable links between the LINDY Console Switch, the system and the user console
or KVM switch. The lengths of cables that can be used for given situations is summarised
Video resolutions of up to 1600 x 1280 or even 1900 x 1440 are supported on longer cable
The LINDY Console Switch also features a video boost feature to ensure that picture quality
remains sharp over longer distances. See the section Configuration switches - Video signal
boost (switch 2) for more information.
Computer or KVM switch
The LINDY Console Switch can either connect directly to a single host computer or to range of
hosts via one or more KVM switches.
To connect a host computer or KVM switch:
1. Ensure that power is disconnected from the computer or KVM switch to be connected.
(Note: If it is not possible to switch off devices prior to connection, then a ‘Hot plug’ procedure is
available – see the Hot plugging and mouse restoration section for more details).
2. Connect the plugs at one end of a KVM cable set to the keyboard, video and mouse sockets
of the computer or KVM switch.
3. Connect the plugs at the other end of the KVM cable set to the corresponding sockets,
collectively labelled as ‘COMPUTER’, on the front panel of the LINDY Console Switch.
English Manual
Keyboards, video monitors and mice
The rear panel provides 4 sets of ports and each accommodates a keyboard, video monitor and
mouse connection. The ports can be connected and used in any order (see note 2 below), and
not all connectors of each port need to be used. For instance, when a port of the LINDY
Console Switch is used as a video splitter port, usually only the video connections are utilised.
Where a user will be situated close to the LINDY Console Switch, the keyboard, video monitor
and mouse can be connected directly. When a user will be placed more than 10m away, then
an appropriate LINDY extender should be used.
Note 1: In KVM matrix configurations, these rear panel ports would be connected to the
CPU/computer ports of suitable KVM switches.
Note 2: At power on, the LINDY Console Switch attempts to gain information about the
capabilities of the connected monitors (using the Display Data Channel [DDC] format) by
interrogating the monitor at port 1. If you are using a mixture of monitors, it is advantageous to
place one that supports DDC at port 1.
To connect a keyboard, video monitor and mouse:
1 Position a suitable keyboard, video monitor and mouse in the required location.
2 Connect the keyboard, video monitor and mouse plugs to the sockets of one of the ports
(labelled between 1 and 4) at the rear panel of the LINDY Console Switch.
Power supply (use is optional)
The LINDY Console Switch is supplied with a power supply. The use of the power supply is
optional because the switch can also derive its power from the keyboard port of the host system
or KVM switch.
IMPORTANT: If the power supply will NOT be used, click switch 1 on the front panel down to its
ON position. See Configuration switches - Power source selection (switch 1) for more
English Manual
Do I need to use the power supply?
Thanks to smart power control, the use of the supplied external power supply is optional for
most applications because the LINDY Console Switch can be configured to derive its power
from the host system.
The following two main factors will determine whether you can use the LINDY Console Switch
with, or without the power supply:
1: Lengths of cables to host computer and to consoles
A. All cables 2m or less -> Power supply not required
B. Any cables 2.2m or more -> Power supply required
2: Power required by all connected keyboards and mice
A Total requirement is 400mA or less* -> Power supply not required
B Total requirement is 420mA or more* -> Power supply required
If either of the above factors meets the B scenario, then you need to use the power supply.
* How to check power requirements
You can determine the overall power required by the connected keyboard and mice by
consulting their product labels. On the underside of almost all keyboard and mice will be a label
stating their power requirements.
This figure is usually represented as a voltage (e.g. 5V) and a current (e.g. 20mA).
• Most standard keyboards require around 50mA
• Most standard mice require around 20 - 25mA.
Add up the total current requirements for all connected devices. If the total value is 400mA or
less then you do not need to use the power supply (subject to the cable lengths being 2m or
English Manual
User arbitration and keyboard indicators
During operation, all of the connected video monitors continuously receive the output from the
host system. Control of the host system is arbitrated by the LINDY Console Switch on a first
come, first served basis. In the idle state, control is available to all users and their keyboard
indicators will show the current Num Lock, etc. conditions of the host system.
At the moment that a key is pressed or a mouse is moved, the keyboards and mice of the other
users are temporarily locked-out (the video images remain). The keyboard indicators of the
locked-out users then begin to flash to confirm their status:
After two seconds of inactivity from the user currently in control, the LINDY Console Switch
returns to its idle condition and the re-instates the keyboard indicators of the locked-out users.
LINDY Console Switch indicators
The red indicators on the front panel of the LINDY Console Switch illuminate to show which
user currently has control. The green indicator illuminates when the power supply is connected
and switched on.
Video boost feature
The LINDY Console Switch offers a video boost feature which provides amplification to
compensate for losses introduced by long video cables. The effect of this is to ensure that the
video images remain sharp even at high resolutions over relatively long distances.
To enable video boost
• Click switch 2 (the LINDY Console Switch may be powered on or off) down into its ON
Resetting LINDY Console Switch
A reset option is provided.
To reset the LINDY Console Switch
• Momentarily click switch 3 down into its ON position and then back up to its OFF state.
English Manual
Special Configuration
For many installations, no further configuration will be required once the host system and user
consoles are connected. This chapter covers the various special configuration options that may
be required in certain cases.
Configuration switches
The LINDY Console Switch front panel features a set of eight mini switches which are used to
determine a number of options:
Power source selection
Video signal boost
Reset LINDY Console Switch
Enter configuration mode
Enter upgrade mode at power on
Note 1: Switches 4, 5 and 8 are reserved for future use.
Note 2: When changing switch positions the LINDY Console Switch can be powered on or off.
Power source selection (switch 1)
This switch determines how the LINDY Console Switch derives its power.
OFF Draw power only from the power adapter.
ON Draw power from power adapter, if present, or alternatively use power from the host
system keyboard port.
Note 3: The LINDY Console Switch is fitted with an auto-resettable fuse rated at 500mA. If the
total power drawn by the connected keyboards and mice is approaching, or exceeds 400mA,
then the power adapter must be used.
Note 4: The power adapter must be used if the LINDY Console Switch is to be cascaded with
other similar units or interface-powered KVM switches or extenders.
Video signal boost (switch 2)
This switch selects video boost mode which gently amplifies the video signal and is particularly
useful for improving picture quality when long video cable lengths are used.
OFF No video boost
ON Apply video boost
English Manual
Reset LINDY Console Switch (switch 3)
Use this option to reset the LINDY Console Switch. Change the switch to the ON position
momentarily and then OFF again to achieve the reset.
OFF Normal operation.
ON Reset LINDY Console Switch (change back to OFF position to complete the reset).
Enter configuration mode (switch 6)
Allows you to alter key aspects of LINDY Console Switch operation. Within configuration mode
you can use any connected keyboard to enter specific key combinations. See Using
configuration options for a full list of key combinations.
OFF Normal operation.
ON Enter configuration mode (change back to OFF once configuration options have been
Enter upgrade mode at power on (switch 7)
Places the LINDY Console Switch into a special state whereby you can rewrite its internal
operating software. After placing this switch into its ON position, you need to cycle the power
input or briefly use switch 3 to reset the LINDY Console Switch. See LINDY Console Switch
software upgrade for full details about the upgrade procedure.
OFF Normal operation.
ON Enter upgrade mode following the next reset or power on.
English Manual
Using configuration options
Configuration mode allows you to alter key aspects of LINDY Console Switch operation. Within
configuration mode you can use any connected keyboard to enter specific key combinations to
bring about the required change in operation. Configuration mode is instigated by changing
switch 6 to its ON position; the required configuration option is then selected by entering a
particular combination of letter and number.
To use configuration options (a quick summary):
1. Enter configuration mode (click switch 6 down into its ON position).
All of the LINDY Console Switch front panel indicators will light as well as all three of the keyboard indicators (‘Num Lock’, ‘Caps
Lock’ and ‘Scroll Lock’). Your LINDY Console Switch is now ready to accept new configuration options.
2. Type the letter of the required option, (e.g. H).
On your keyboard, the ‘Scroll Lock’ indicator will darken, leaving the ‘Num Lock’ and ‘Caps Lock’ indicators lit – this indicates
that a configuration option number is now required.
3. Type the number of the required option, (e.g. 3).
On your keyboard, the ‘Caps Lock’ indicator will darken, leaving only the ‘Num Lock’ indicator lit – this indicates that you need to
confirm the configuration option that you just typed.
4. Press <RETURN>
All three of the keyboard indicators will re-light.
5. Enter another option or exit from configuration mode (return switch 6 to its OFF position).
All indicators will return to their original conditions.
Hotkey combinations
Hotkeys signal to the LINDY Console Switch that you wish to talk to it (using the keyboard), rather than the
computer. However, you may find that the standard hotkeys interfere with other devices or software. In such cases,
you can change the hotkeys to a different combination of two keys. These configuration options allow you to
determine which keyboard keys are used as the hotkeys. See Hot plugging and mouse restoration for details about
using hotkeys to restore mouse operation.
H1 Hotkey combination is LEFT ALT + RIGHT ALT + command key (default setting).
H2 Hotkey combination is CTRL + SHIFT + command key.
H3 Hotkey combination is ALT + SHIFT + command key.
H4 Hotkey combination is RIGHT ALT + command key.
H5 Hotkey combination is CTRL + ALT + command key.
H6 Hotkey combination is LEFT CTRL + LEFT ALT + command key.
H7 Hotkey combination is RIGHT CTRL + RIGHT ALT + command key.
English Manual
Mouse speed timing adjustment
These configuration options allow you to overcome a rare timing problem caused by certain
mouse, computer and switch combinations. The problem can occur when the mouse driver
software and computer are over-sensitive to timing changes within the information from the
mouse. Adding a switch, such as the LINDY Console Switch, can cause slight timing changes
that result in the on-screen mouse pointer responding very slowly. Choosing the L6 option helps
to counteract the rare problem that is known to occur in combinations such as an HP Vectra
running later versions of Windows NT, using a Logitech mouse driver and a Logitech mouse.
L5 Do not adjust mouse speed timings (default setting).
L6 Adjust mouse speed timings to solve response problems.
Miscellaneous functions
Note: These functions use the letter ‘F’. As with all of the other configuration options, press the
letter and then the number, i.e. F and then 1 – not the ‘F1’ function key.
F1 Declare the LINDY Console Switch firmware version. When selected, the version number
will be sent to the currently selected computer – ensure that a suitable application is
running (such as a notepad or word processor) so that the version number may be
displayed on screen.
F8 RESET all configuration options to the default settings.
Hot plugging and mouse restoration
It is strongly recommended that you switch off the host system or KVM switch before attempting
to connect your LINDY Console Switch. However, if this is not possible then you need to ‘hot
plug’ your LINDY Console Switch while power is still applied to the system. There is not
normally a danger of damage to the system, however, when mouse communications are
interrupted, often they fail to reinitialise when reconnected. Your LINDY Console Switch
provides a feature to reinstate mouse communications once the necessary connections have
been made.
There are two main types of data formats used by current PC mice; these are the older ‘PS/2’
format and the more recent ‘Intellimouse®®’ format introduced by Microsoft. These use slightly
different data arrangements and it is important to know which type was being used before you
hot-plugged the LINDY Console Switch. The previous setting depends both on the type of
mouse and the type of driver as various combinations of PS/2 and Intellimouse® are possible.
Using the incorrect restore function may produce unpredictable results and require the system
to be rebooted.
English Manual
Which restore setting do I use?
The general rule is that unless both the mouse and the driver are both Intellimouse® compatible
then you need to restore the mouse as ‘PS/2’.
Recognising an Intellimouse®-style mouse
The Intellimouse® format was introduced to support, among other features, the scroll wheel
function. If your mouse has a scroll wheel, then it is likely to support the Intellimouse® format. If
you have a Microsoft® mouse, then it will usually state that it is an Intellimouse® on its
underside label.
Note: Where a mixture of different mice are connected to the LINDY Console Switch, only one
of the connected mice needs to be Intellimouse®-style in order to consider using the
Intellimouse® restore command.
Recognising an Intellimouse® driver
Before hot plugging your LINDY Console Switch (or afterwards using only keyboard control),
access the Windows Control Panel and select either the Mouse option (on Windows NT, 2000
and XP) or the System option (on Windows 95, 98, ME). Look for the name of the driver, which
will usually include the words PS/2 or Intellimouse®.
To restore mouse operation when hot plugging:
1. Carefully connect your LINDY Console Switch to the host system (or KVM switch) and to
the keyboards, video monitors and mice.
2. Using any of the connected keyboards (it is only necessary to perform this operation
once), enter the appropriate restore function code:
• PS/2 – press ALT + ALT GR + 1
• Intellimouse® – press ALT + ALT GR + 2
(Note: these are the standard hotkeys which can be changed - see Using configuration
options for details).
3. To exit configuration mode, press <RETURN>
4. Move the mouse a short distance and check for appropriate onscreen cursor movement.
If the mouse cursor darts erratically around the screen, then cease moving the mouse.
This is an indication that the chosen restore function is incorrect. Try again using the
other restore function.
Note: The restore functions predict the likely mouse resolution settings but may not
restore the exact speed or sensitivity settings that were originally set.
English Manual
LINDY Console Switch Software Upgrade
The internal software of your LINDY Console Switch can be upgraded to utilise the latest
features and functionality. However, you should only consider this option when you experience
problems with the switch that cannot be solved in another way.
To perform a software upgrade, you need to carry out the following stages:
• Stage A Contact LINDY support to receive the most up to date upgrade file.
• Stage B Create a startup diskette and copy the files to it.
• Stage C Place the LINDY Console Switch in upgrade mode and reboot.
Stage A – Contact LINDY support to receive the most up to date upgrade file
section to obtain the latest upgrade file.
Stage B - Create a startup diskette and copy files to it
Decompress the upgrade file. There should be the following files:
• AUTOEXEC.BAT – directs the computer to run the driver update and firmware upgrade
• AVPxxx.EXE – this is the upgrade program that causes upgrade data to be sent to the
LINDY Console Switch from your PC.
• AVPxxx.HEX – this file contains the code to be downloaded into the LINDY Console
Switch by the AVPxxx.exe program.
Where xxx is the upgrade version number.
For this stage you will need a 3½” floppy diskette that is either blank or has existing contents
that are no longer required. The write protect tab must be moved to the ‘unprotected’ position.
Depending on your operating system, use one of the following to create a startup disk:
To create a startup disk in Windows XP
1. Insert a diskette into the floppy disk drive.
2. Select ‘Start’ and then ‘My Computer’.
3. Right mouse click on the ‘3½” Floppy (A:)’ icon and select ‘Format’.
4. Check the ‘Create an MS-DOS startup disk’ box and select ‘Start’.
To create a startup disk in Windows 95/98/Me
1. Insert a formatted diskette into the floppy disk drive.
2. Select ‘Start’, then ‘Settings’ and then ‘Control Panel’.
3. Double click on the ‘Add/Remove Programs’ icon.
4. Select the ‘Startup Disk’ tab.
5. Click ‘Create Disk’ and follow the instructions.
English Manual
To create a startup disk in Windows 95/98 (alternative method)
1. Insert a diskette into the floppy disk drive.
2. Right mouse click on the ‘3½” Floppy (A:)’ icon and select ‘Format’.
3. Select the ‘Full format’ option and ensure that the ‘Copy system files’ box is checked.
4. Select ‘Start’ to format the disk.
To create a startup disk from MS-DOS or a DOS window within Windows 95/98
1. Insert a diskette into the floppy disk drive and check that the drive is configured as drive
A (it usually is).
2. At the DOS prompt (C:\>) type:
and follow the instructions given by DOS.
Copy the decompressed upgrade files to the new startup diskette
• Using Windows Explorer or the My Computer option, copy the downloaded and
decompressed files from your computer to the floppy diskette.
Stage C - Place the LINDY Console Switch in upgrade mode and reboot
1. On the LINDY Console Switch front panel, click switch 7 down into its ON position to
select upgrade mode at its next power on.
2. Restart the LINDY Console Switch in one of two ways, either:
• Remove and replace the power supply connection, or
• Briefly click switch 3 down into its ON position and then back up to its OFF position.
The LINDY Console Switch will illuminate all of its front panel indicators to confirm that it
is in upgrade mode.
3. On the computer that is connected to the LINDY Console Switch, ensure that its BIOS
settings will allow it to boot from the floppy drive, rather than booting immediately from the
hard drive.
4. Place the upgrade diskette installed in the floppy drive, switch off the computer and then
power it up once again to allow it to boot from the floppy diskette and automatically
perform the flash upgrade.
The upgrade process should take no more than two to three minutes and a progress
indicator will be displayed on screen.
5. Once the upgrade is complete, click switch 7 back to its OFF position.
The upgrade process is now complete. Do not forget to remove the floppy diskette from
the computer’s drive.
Radio Frequency Energy, Certifications
Safety information
• For use in dry, oil free indoor environments only.
• Warning - live parts contained within power adapter.
• No user serviceable parts within power adapter - do not dismantle.
• Replace the power adapter with a manufacturer approved type only.
• Do not use the power adapter if the power adapter case becomes damaged, cracked or broken or if you
suspect that it is not operating properly.
• Do not attempt to service the LINDY Console Switch yourself.
Radio Frequency Energy
All interface cables used with this equipment must be shielded in order to maintain compliance with radio
frequency energy emission regulations and ensure a suitably high level of immunity to electromagnetic
European EMC directive 89/336/EEC
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a information technology device in
accordance with the specifications in the European standard EN55022 and EN55024. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference.
FCC Compliance Statement (United States)
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly,
that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause interference to radio
communication. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class A computing device in
accordance with the specifications in Subpart J of part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide
reasonable protection against such interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area may cause interference, in which case the user at his own
expense will be required to take whatever measures may be necessary to correct the interference. Changes or
modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the
Canadian Department of Communications RFI statement
This equipment does not exceed the class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in
the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux
appareils numériques de la classe A prescrites dans le règlement sur le brouillage radioélectriques publié par le
ministère des Communications du Canada.
For Commercial Use
Tested to Comply with
FCC Standards
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